- Come to "Contract Law Basics" Wednesday, October 20 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm…. http://fb.me/CxZIpsk3 #
- Legal Solutions for Small Businesses Newsletter http://conta.cc/9io9tx via #constantcontact #
- Today is the last day to register to vote
- Getting ready for WIL board meeting tonight. Smart, savvy business women all in one room! #
- Have you prepared a disaster plan for your business? Forest fires show need to have copies of legal docs like contracts stored off-site! #
- I love supporting local businesses & can't wait for the Fax Partnership monthly event tonight at new Peruvian restaurant. Yummy! #
- Getting a website designed for your business? Who owns the copyright on it? Review your contract to find out to avoid surprises later on. #
- Starting the handouts for my contracts class – more info here if you need to learn about contracts! #
- Looking forward to my business law section's lunch on operating agreements! Good food, great topic, and good times. #
- Week is finally over and headed to beer festival! Now that is the way to end the week! #
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