Five Ways to Increase Your Productivity
The truth is that productivity is all about lifestyle habits. What do productive people do better than you, and in what order?
Now That I Run My Own Small Business, Should I Bring In a Coach?
A bigger reason to consider a coach is that without one, you are responsible only to yourself. By bringing someone in, you’re involving another person in your own accountability when he or she starts tracking how you’re faring with goals and milestones, where your weak spots are, and which habits could use some tweaking.
Even tough times can be opportunities.
Energy prices have been tumbling down for a while now, reaching record lows. This has been great news for many consumers, who are paying less at the pump to fill up their cars. Despite the bad market for oil and gas, speakers at the Colorado Oil & Gas...
When Facebook Doesn’t “Like” Your Pot Shop Page…
Recently Facebook started shutting down the pages of legal marijuana businesses around the country, and Colorado’s cannabis retailers were captured in their net, along with legitimate medical dispensaries in other states.
Small Business Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is one of those issues we often hear about when it comes to employees, but what about small business owners and entrepreneurs?
Craft Beer is a Billion-Dollar Economic Driver in CO
According to a study released by the University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business in association with the Colorado Brewers Guild, small, locally-owned breweries had an overall economic impact of 1.15 billion dollars on the Colorado Economy for the year of 2014, and it employs over 6,000 workers in Colorado.
Colorado’s New Workforce Development Package
The question the legislators were trying to answer was, essentially, How do we stream more high-school and college graduates into the Colorado workforce, especially in fields where they are desperately needed, like technology?
The Arrival of Sales Tax on Amazon Purchases in Colorado
Colorado recently became one of 28 states required to pay sales tax on purchases made on Amazon. The gigantic online retailer used to famously side-step sales taxes, but as needed distribution centers were opened in additional states to fulfill orders and delivery demand, Amazon agreed to apply the tax.
U.S. Privacy Policy Laws and Do Not Track
Most websites offer a privacy policy, but did you know that few states have any laws regulating privacy policies of private entities? Nebraska and Pennsylvania consider any false or misleading statements in privacy policies illegal under their deceptive and fraudulent...
Deconstructing Payroll Taxes for Your Small Business
If your small business employs people, no matter how few, you’re required to withhold payroll taxes from their paychecks and pay federal, state, and local taxes.
Is Colorado a Business-Friendly State?
Is Colorado a Business-Friendly State? Small businesses play a critical role in our nation’s economy. In fact, small businesses are responsible for roughly 44% of the country’s economic activity, and they employ roughly 50% of the private-sector workforce. If you’re...
Contact Us Today
Law Office of E.C. Lewis, P.C.
Your Denver Business Attorney
Mailing Address:
501 S. Cherry Street, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80246
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Real Estate Services for Business Owners
Elizabeth Lewis provides the following real estate law services to small and medium sized business owners in Denver and throughout Colorado:
- Commercial real estate purchases
- Legal review of commercial real estate leases
- Protecting your assets