Full-strength Beer and Wine: Why Aren’t They in My Local Grocery Store?
Yet even though Colorado is one of the top states in the nation when it comes to craft and micro brews — just take a look at how breweries have sprung up like summer dandelions in Denver, Boulder, and the surrounding areas — the laws around selling beer higher than 3.2% alcohol by weight in grocery stores is still in effect.
Paying Quarterly Taxes for Your Small Business
Estimated tax payments are usually owed if you expect to pay $1000 or more when you file your return. These payments are based on a quarterly schedule established by the IRS, who prefers that individuals and small businesses pay taxes almost as quickly as they earn income.
Federal Deadlines for Filing Your Business Taxes
Now that we’re a month in to 2016, let’s review important tax payment deadlines you need to be aware of if you’re running a small business. Congress changed some deadlines this year, so these are the new dates for 2016.
“The Best We Can Be” — Up Your Ante with a Mentor
Think about it: a mentor has already arrived at the place you’re dreaming of going and has the potential to take you on a journey you never could have imagined. He or she can give you encouragement or kickstart you in a direction and then continue to inspire you as you move forward.
Your Business Start-up To-Do List: How to Begin
If you’re ready to start your business, you’re already in possession of an idea you think will succeed. The next thing on your Business Start-up To-Do List is research the market. Does your idea solve a problem, fulfill a need, or offer something desirable?
Is Now a Good Time for You to Start a Business?
Jumping in with both feet to a new business takes commitment. Do a gut check: are you passionate about your idea? Do you believe in it so deeply that it will carry you through the long hours and lean times in the start-up phase? Your business concept doesn’t matter as much as your belief in it.
Your Small Business and Social Responsibility
In a previous post, we discussed how to craft an elevator pitch for your business or even for yourself. The key is to come up with a simple but powerful way to describe what problem you solve and how that can really make a difference.
Growth in Denver and What that Means for Small Business
For this post, we are going to talk about something that has been on a lot of people’s minds for at least the past few years. We are talking about growth in Denver, and what a key concern with this growth should be for small businesses.
Be a Customer of Your Own Business
Marketing Your Business or Yourself, the Elevator Pitch
Perhaps you’ve heard about this idea before or even told yourself that you would come up with one but haven’t yet. It’s the so-called “Elevator Pitch.” It is all about being able to pitch your business, idea, or yourself to someone in the minute or so that it takes to ride in an elevator with someone. It sounds easy right? It can be harder than you think, but it is time to finally put one together so you are armed with it when the need arises.
Does an LLC Need a Business License in Colorado?
Does an LLC Need a Business License in Colorado? If you’ve recently formed an LLC in Colorado, you may be wondering whether you need to obtain a business license. In Colorado, there is no statewide requirement that LLCs must get a business license other than...
Contact Us Today
Law Office of E.C. Lewis, P.C.
Your Denver Business Attorney
Mailing Address:
501 S. Cherry Street, Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80246
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Real Estate Services for Business Owners
Elizabeth Lewis provides the following real estate law services to small and medium sized business owners in Denver and throughout Colorado:
- Commercial real estate purchases
- Legal review of commercial real estate leases
- Protecting your assets